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So far Joe Stein has created 65 blog entries.

Back to School: Fitness and Nutrition Myths and Legends

Welcome back to school, class. Today’s lesson is on mythology. Forget Zeus, Hercules, Mars and Venus. Instead we will focus on fitness and nutrition myths and legends.  Myth: If I exercise regularly, I can eat whatever I want. Fact: Each pound of excess weight stores 3500 calories of energy. The average person burns approximately 100 calories when running a mile. You would have to run thirty-five miles to burn a super-sized fast food lunch and a calorie-laden dinner. The [...]

By |2018-09-09T18:58:09-05:00September 9th, 2018|Fitness, Nutrition|0 Comments

How Exercise and Nutrition Can Make You Smarter

Did you ever watch Jeopardy on TV and be amazed at how fast the contestants can press the buzzer and offer the correct question? How do they recall so much information on so such a wide array of subjects? What about you? Do you need to think quickly and clearly at work or at home? How is your memory? Is there anything you can do to amp up your memory, reaction speed and cognitive functioning? As a matter of [...]

By |2018-07-11T07:24:40-05:00July 11th, 2018|Fitness, Nutrition|0 Comments

May is National Osteoporosis Month

Bare-Bone Facts Osteoporosis is a sneaky thief that gradually robs primarily women of their bone’s mineral content. (Men account for approximately 20% of osteoporosis cases.) Last year the number of osteoporosis-related fractures in women exceeded the number of heart attacks, breast cancer cases and strokes—combined. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, eight million women aged 50 and older have osteoporosis while another 22 million are at risk for developing the disease. Half of all women over 50 will suffer [...]

By |2018-05-07T08:12:54-05:00May 6th, 2018|Fitness, Nutrition|0 Comments

April is National Stress Awareness Month: Do Grateful, Not Just Feel Grateful

According to a recent study by the American Institute of Stress, nearly 90% of all primary care doctor visits are related to stress. Ranging from stomachaches, back pain and heart disease, it has been estimated that stress costs American companies over $300 billion last year last year. Numerous research studies have shown that feeling grateful and acting in a grateful manner help to reduce stress dramatically. Being grateful for what you have in your life lays the foundation for [...]

By |2018-04-09T18:40:12-05:00April 9th, 2018|Motivation|0 Comments

Who is the Fittest Leader?

According to a study in the Journal of Managerial Psychology, regular exercise correlates with higher leadership ratings in senior executives. A National Institutes of Health study found exercise and nutrition can prevent stress-induced career burnout. Do these studies prove themselves out in the real word? And…who is the fittest leader? Asking this is, of course a trick question, as there are eight different dimensions that constitute being fit. Unless your name is LeBron James or Odell Beckham, no one [...]

By |2018-03-07T08:57:15-05:00March 7th, 2018|Fitness, Leadership|0 Comments

Got To Be In It To Win It

"You Got To Be In It To Win It: The Lesson of Wally Pipp" It's early February and oh and Baby, it's cold outside! Yet in just a few days, Mets and Yankees pitchers and catchers will report for spring training. The start of a new season reminds one that there are many life lessons to be gleaned from baseball lore. One exercise question that is often asked of personal trainers is, "Should I exercise when I have a [...]

By |2018-07-11T07:14:26-05:00February 4th, 2018|Fitness|0 Comments

Resolve to Evolve

Resolutions – we always make them and usually break them. What looks good on paper doesn’t always work in real life. If your resolutions for 2018 include getting fit, reducing your weight, or developing healthy habits that will last a lifetime, then the following seven small, evolutionary changes will yield big results over the course of this year. Small Resolutions That Will Yield Big Results “I resolve to understand why I want to make these resolutions.” Knowing your motivation will [...]

By |2018-01-07T19:13:58-05:00January 7th, 2018|Fitness, Leadership, Success|0 Comments

Hacking the Thanksgiving Food Fest

OMG, where did this year go? Can you believe it will be Thanksgiving in a few days? This is the time of year many people start to panic about how the start of the Holiday Season will impact their waistlines. If this describes you, take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. In the famous words of Patriots QB Tom Brady, “R-E-L-A-X.” The good new is it matters less what you will eat between [...]

By |2017-11-09T20:12:36-05:00November 9th, 2017|Motivation, Nutrition|0 Comments

5 Health and Fitness Tricks and Treats

Trick or treat? Where is it written this is a binary choice? Why can't our tricks help manifest our treats? As we approach Halloween, the following hacks, or should I say tricks, are offered to help you navigate the scariest time of year. Oh, this is a scary time, not because of things that go bump in the night. But rather it's the start of the pre-holiday eating frenzy that causes your weight to bump up on the scale. [...]

By |2017-10-11T14:53:47-05:00October 11th, 2017|Fitness|0 Comments

The Best Non-Medicine Medicines

There is no doubt that the medicine prescribed by your physician is the best cure for what ails you. Or is it? Could the folklore of non-medicinal antidotes have their bases in truth? Let’s explore some popular non-medicine fixes for those human conditions that afflict many of us: Pets are the best medicine. I love it when my dog Daisy greets me at the door after a long day of training and coaching. There is something soothing, even Zen-like, [...]

By |2017-09-12T19:39:27-05:00September 12th, 2017|Fitness, Nutrition|0 Comments
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