Fitness Training Success Stories
Gretchen D.
“I’m over 75 and able to play on the floor with 14 Grandchildren”
“Keeping up with the grandkids and sharing their world from a child’s-eye view is half the fun. Not being exhausted or getting hurt is the other half. Heck, I am also a substitute teacher in a grandchild’s pre-school and they have trouble keeping up with me. I feel better now than when I was in my 50s; I’m a lot stronger, too. At first, I was apprehensive about personal training. I’m a wife, mother and a grandma, not a movie star or football player. Would it be too hard? What about my health and medical issues? Trainer Joe is great! All exercises are challenging yet safe and appropriate for my age and abilities. The balance training has given me the confidence to walk a lot and eliminated my fear of falling and breaking a hip. I’m over 75, but I don’t feel or act my age.
Tony D.
“I’m almost 70 and able to ski a dozen black diamond trails on a weekend!”
“I wanted to turbocharge my energy level and feel like when I was younger. In college I was athletic, but life takes over and you find yourself with a Baby Boomer’s body. This was not acceptable. Personal training has helped me to look great and feel terrific. A demanding career, business travel and lots of restaurant dining can take its toll. The strength training and cardio have helped to reshape my body. The plyometric training has helped with skiing and motorcycle riding and given me the stamina to tough out a long day at work. I enjoy the challenge of completing a tough new routine. The benefits of personal training extend far beyond the sessions because engaging Trainer Joe is like having a good angel resting on your shoulder, countering the forces conspiring against living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Sure, eating right and exercise is hard work, but it’s worth it.
Kaye W.
“When I was in my early sixties, I entered my first mini triathlon.”
“I was always a runner, but running was just not enough to stay slim and strong. I have four grown children who are active and adventurous. I wanted to keep up. When I first met Trainer Joe, he was working with a friend of mine. After I saw her results, I knew he could improve my figure and fitness. After an extensive evaluation of my fitness level and health, Joe designed a comprehensive program to strengthen my core, tone my muscles and improve my nutrition.
I really don’t like lifting weights, but the results are amazing. After a lot of hard work, I can now do 50 guy-style pushups and ten chin-ups. More importantly my arms, legs and shoulders look toned and buff. Clothes fit better! My energy level is off the Richter scale. Personal training is challenging yet fun. The results are worth it!
John S.
“I’m walking tall and pain-free.”
“I was always great with my cardio. In college I rode my bike across Europe. I shied away from lifting weights as I thought it was something only pro athletes did. As I entered my 60s, I realized my posture was not good…the results of too many years seated at a computer. Walking my dog, yard work and bowling did not provide the level of fitness I now required.
Here is where Trainer Joe of Renaissance comes in: He knows just how much to push me. Push-ups, bench dips, abs on the Swiss ball, squats, lunges, 1-arm rows, low back extensions, biceps curls: everything we do is safe but very challenging. My posture has improved dramatically and after all these years, I have REAL muscles that have gotten noticed. I am surely more fit than most men my age. Just as important, my sciatic nerve pain is under control.
Karen K.
“I’m 30 pounds lighter and have lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure.”
“On my sixtieth birthday, I realized I needed to turn my life around. My daughter was going to have a baby, which would make me a grandmother. Yikes! With high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low energy level and overweight, I knew I needed the help of a certified personal trainer. Trainer Joe became my “steel-fist-in-a-velvet glove” style of trainer…exactly what I needed. One year after beginning the quest to improve my life, I have lost 30 pounds, and my cholesterol and blood pressure are both back in the normal range. All achieved without the use of medication! My energy level is great! In fact, during a recent vacation to Boston, I had to slow my walking pace down so that people half my age could keep up.
Ed W.
“I am back in game-shape again!”
At six-foot six-inches, I’m a big guy. In college I played football. Now in my 60s, I commute to New York, work hard, travel a lot and dine out frequently. Time and weight gain and surgeries have not been kind to my body. My posture began to suffer. After one year of working out with Trainer Joe, I was skiing seven to ten runs a day out west. My weight is down and my strength and stamina are up. Standing straight and tall is natural. Training is hard work, but the results are worth it. I’m in much better shape to be the quarterback of my world as I can handle whatever blitzes life throws at me.
Karin S.
“I’m a boomer, physically challenged, yet fabulous and fit!”
“They say 60 is the new 40. If that’s so, then I just hit 45. I’m a Boomer, fit and fabulous. Having a visual impairment, I thought learning how to exercise with good form would be impossible. Trainer Joe knows just how far to challenge me so that I get the balance, strength, flexibility and cardio I need in order to live a confident and independent life. It’s nice that Joe is a Boomer, too. He understands the aches and pains I live with. I’m not fond of exercise in general, but Joe makes it fun, plus I enjoy the results, especially being stronger.